【校外讲座】Negative Press Coverage, Litigation Risk, and Audit Opinions in China



主题:Negative Press Coverage, Litigation Risk, and Audit Opinions in China



腾讯会议平台:会议号366 521 329



刘启亮,华中科技大学管理学院会计系教授(三级)、博导、系主任、华中科技大学会计学学术带头人。最近5年主要研究领域:审计、内部控制、媒体监管、公司信息披露、创新与风险管理等,已在《经济研究》、《管理世界》、China Accounting and Finance Review等发表论文多篇,同时,有两篇合作论文已被Management Science和Contemporary Accounting Research接受。


Mutchler et al. (1997, p. 308) conjecture that auditors modify their audit opinions in response to negative press coverage received by clients to mitigate increased litigation risk resulting from negative press coverage (the strategic view). Exploiting a legal regime change in China in 2005 that significantly increased auditors’ legal liability, we empirically test Mutchler et al.’s (1997) strategic view of why auditors increase the probability of issuing modified audit opinions (MAOs) to clients who receive negative press coverage. We find that the probability for auditors to issue MAOs is not (positively) related to negative press coverage in the low (high) litigation risk period or 2001-2004 (2006-2009). We further show that investors are more likely to sue the firm and/or its auditor in the high litigation risk period (2006-2009), and that auditors can reduce the probability of being sued and the probability of paying monetary compensation by issuing MAOs in the high litigation risk period. Taken together, our findings suggest that auditors increase the probability of issuing MAOs to firms receiving negative press coverage strategically to mitigate a perceived increase in litigation risk stemming from negative press coverage in the high litigation risk period, supporting the Mutchler et al.’s (1997) strategic view and consistent, in spirit, with Geiger et al. (2006).





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